2017 Kanonkop Paul Sauer


In South Africa, there is a debate about whether the 2015 Paul Sauer is better than the 2017 or vice versa. They are both great vintages of one of the Cape’s icons. In recent years, I have moved more towards the 2017. A magnificent 3-liter bottle was opened and poured blind at the recent Bordeaux vs. Stellenbosch comparative dinner organized by “Wine Cellar.” The 2017 has always had an extravagant bouquet, though now it has more refinement and detail, with black cherries, blueberries and cedar. It becomes more floral with the passing of time, almost Margaux-like. The palate has gained a little more backbone in recent months. The acidity effortlessly counters the power of this Paul Sauer. There is a completeness and harmony about this silky-textured wine that is captivating. Given its propensity to repay cellaring, this Paul Sauer will give 20 to 30 years of pleasure. 96/Drink: 2025-2050.

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